Coronavirus: Volunteering programmes cancelled at Kinghorn charity

The Ecology Centre will not be running its volunteering programmes until further notice.The Ecology Centre will not be running its volunteering programmes until further notice.
The Ecology Centre will not be running its volunteering programmes until further notice. | Other 3rd Party
Measures are being put in place at The Ecology Centre to protect the health, staff and volunteers and this includes stopping volunteering programmes.

A statement has been issued on the facility’s website stating that difficult decisions have had to be taken.

Gary Roberts, chief executive officer (CEO) at the centre said: “We wanted to put a communication out about the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the steps we’re taking to protect the health of our staff, volunteers and our customers.

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“This is a very difficult time for everyone and it is with a heavy heart that we issue this.

“Unfortunately we will not be running any of our volunteering programmes until further notice. We know how important it is for our volunteers to come here every week – and we will continue to keep in touch with them and check in on those who might be particularly isolated during this period with phone calls etc.

“For the time being the building will remain open for any regular classes or events that are run by other organisations and groups from the centre, unless they cancel it.

“They will be in touch to let you know if the class/event is on or not.

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“We're taking the hygiene and cleanliness of the building very seriously and have increased the level of cleaning in all the common areas and on all door handles.

“There are plenty of handwash facilities, so if you are using the centre please ensure you are following the Government guidance on handwashing.”

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He added: “We will continue to keep you updated via our social media channels, website and email bulletins. Take care everyone.”