Kirkcaldy Health Centre parking battle continues

Practice managers are seeking an appointment with new NHS Fife chairman Tricia MarwickPractice managers are seeking an appointment with new NHS Fife chairman Tricia Marwick
Practice managers are seeking an appointment with new NHS Fife chairman Tricia Marwick
Practice managers at Kirkcaldy Health Centre have hit out at NHS Fife for a lack of progress and communication over ongoing parking problems.

The practice managers claim there has been no improvement in the parking situation at Whyteman’s Brae, with only a small portion of parking spaces designated for patients.

They are now seeking an appointment with new NHS Fife chairman Tricia Marwick to present her with a petition with over 3000 signatures.

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Practice managers at the health centre have received complaints for months about staff from Victoria Hospital being allowed to use their car park, often leaving patients with nowhere to park.

Last month NHS Fife painted a line through the car park, with around 34 spaces being reserved for patients.

In a statement the practice managers said: “There has been no further communication with the practices regarding a resolution.

“No sensible approach has been made to enquire as to our actual requirements.

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“The parking on double yellow lines and grass verges on the access road remains a great concern to us as this compromises patient safety and ease of access for emergency vehicles on site.

“We are still very committed to reaching a resolution regarding the parking so that our patients can access the services we provide.”

In response NHS Fife said they would monitor the situation with the spaces marked out for patients.

The statement said: “We are not aware of the widespread abuse of these spaces by staff.

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“Any staff members observed parking there will be reported to their line manager.

“We continue to monitor availability, and patient parking will form part of discussions at our upcoming meeting with practice managers and GPs at the Health Centre.”

Last month, staff and patients of the health centre staged a demonstration in protest of the situation.

Around 20 protesters stood outside the car park, placards in hand, as NHS Fife staff arrived for work.

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David Stewart, former chair of the hospitals, lead the demonstration and called on NHS Fife to do more.

He said: “NHS staff turned up, no consultation, and marked out 34 spaces for patients.

“That is not even a third of the car park – what about the other two thirds?”

The practice managers described the move as ‘underhanded and manipulative’ and ‘extremely discourteous’.

In response NHS Fife said the creation of 34 spaces would have a ‘positive difference in a short period of time’.

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