Cinema Campaign: Send a crystal clear message to every operator says MP

Lesley Laird MP (Pic: George McLuskie)Lesley Laird MP (Pic: George McLuskie)
Lesley Laird MP (Pic: George McLuskie)
A town the size of Kirkcaldy should have a cinema '“ and we need it more than ever before.

That’s the view of LesleyLaird MP who is backing our campaign to convince an operator to come to town.

Kirkcaldy has been without a cinema since the Odeon pulled the plug on its High Street venue in 2000.eighteen years hgave passed since it joined the ranks of the Rio, the Raith, the Carlton, ABC and The Palace as picture houses from the past.

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But with the demolition of the old swimming pool almost complete and a planning application in to turn it into a cinema, the time is right to push the case to bring an opeator to town.

Lesley Laird MP (Pic: George McLuskie)Lesley Laird MP (Pic: George McLuskie)
Lesley Laird MP (Pic: George McLuskie)

And the more names on our petition, the stronger our case becomes.

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This is why we are campaigning to bring a cinema to Kirkcaldy

Ms Laird has no doubt, it is the one development which can transform the future of our town centre – and shape its future as the heartbeat of its town.

It would also lead to many spin-offs as other businesses took a fresh look at the High Street.

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Fife Free Press cinema campaignFife Free Press cinema campaign
Fife Free Press cinema campaign

“A town the size of Kirkcaldy should have a cinema and, for the sake of the town centre’s future we need it now more than ever,’’ she said.

The compelling case for a cinema in the heart of our town would also help to change perceptions about the High Street area – and give people new reasons to come to it.

It would sit at the very heart of a re-invention of the town centre

She said: “After the loss of Tesco, the Postings fell silent and this fall-away situation has only been compounded with the loss of a number of other big-name brands, such as BHS.

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“Shopping habits – not just here in Kirkcaldy but across the UK – have changed due to online sales.

“We can’t turn the clock back, we have to accept the reality of that.

But acceptance doesn’t mean resignation; simply stepping away and letting our town centre die a slow death.

“We now need to re-think what the High Street’s purpose should be and ask ourselves how it can be transformed to offer an alternative experience which pulls people back in again.

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Leisure-based attractions which also operate at night are key to this and we’ve been shouting for a cinema for years now.

“I’ve no doubt a cinema would provide a much-needed shot in the arm for Kirkcaldy and kick-start a process which would attract other businesses and support names already on the High Street.’’

With the demolition of the old swimming pool almost complete, we have a site for a cinema.

The key now is to secure an operator.

Ms Laird added: The old swimming pool is almost gone, and the opportunity to replace it should be seized now.

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“The rub is – and there always is a rub – is that potential cinema operators need convincing that demand is there. We know that – but they don’t.

“So, it’s up to you, the people of Kirkcaldy, to make that message crystal clear by backing this campaign for a new cinema and make our town centre a vibrant place to work and play. Sign the petition, spread the word and make your voice heard.’’


The link to our online petition is HERE Cinema Petition

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