Kirkcaldy town centre plans: We’re in this together

Councillor Neil CrooksCouncillor Neil Crooks
Councillor Neil Crooks
Kirkcaldy4All’s plans have pulled together some key players and leading voices.

And the BID’s new drive to bring private investors to the table has been welcomed.

Councillor Neil Crooks, convenor of Kirkcaldy area committee, is convinced the town has much to offer despite the decline of the High Street and loss of major stores such as M&S.

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He said: “Major retail closures are outwith everyone’s control – but there is still an undeveloped landscape of space around the town centre for us to change and develop.

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“That change and development has to reflect the desires of investors and the public who will use the space.”

Plans in the immediate pipeline include a new shopfront initiative, and the opening of the Adam Smith Global Foundation’s project in the east end.

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And councillors are looking again at how to tackle the crumb ing steps that lead from the former Postings to the High Street following the sale of the centre to developer, Tahir Ali.

The work of the BID is one key component of bringing life back to the area.

Added Cllr Crooks: “It’s important for people to recognise that the private sector initiatives by Kirkcaldy4All are complimentary to the public sector placemaking and the future development of the town centre area is very much about private and public sector collaboration.

“Bill Harvey has done an amazing job bringing major players from across the UK to the table taking an interest in Kirkcaldy town centre and the development opportunities that exist.

“The economic wellbeing of the town centre is exactly why the Business Improvement District company was formed.”

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