People in Fife urged to show care and kindness to all when shopping

Fife Gingerbread is urging Fifers to consider other people's situations before judgingFife Gingerbread is urging Fifers to consider other people's situations before judging
Fife Gingerbread is urging Fifers to consider other people's situations before judging | Other 3rd Party
People are reminded that for some there is currently no choice but to take their children to the shop for essential items

A Fife charity which supports lone parents and families is urging members of the public to shop with care and with kindness during the current coronavirus crisis.

It comes after government guidelines on social distancing and the advice that only one person per household can go shopping has caused confusion for some who believe children should not be allowed in stores.

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Although the major supermarkets have advised families not to go shopping together whenever possible, lone parents often have no choice but to take their children with them.

Several of the charity’s support workers have reported that families have been stopped from entering stores or have been told that their children must stand in the corner.

While some vulnerable families have had abusive comments, and children have been upset from the hostility shown towards them.

The voluntary organisation is reminding Fifers that taking a child into shops during lockdown is allowed and children can be given access to supermarkets and local shops with a parent if there is no alternative childcare available.

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Jacqui Hardie, executive strategic manager for Fife Gingerbread, said: “We are proud of how our families have coped during these difficult times and we are continuing to support them in every possible way.

“We have heard so many positive stories, however we are also hearing about negative experiences some of our parents have had when going to the shops.“Some of our lone parents have been openly judged and criticised by people for taking their children with them, and we feel that it is important to share the message that our lone parents should not be made to feel bad about a situation they have no control over.”

Acknowledging this is a difficult time for everyone she added: “So please remember that everyone is trying their best and taking small children to get essential shopping under these controls – queuing, social distancing, item restrictions – is even more difficult!

“The families we care for at Fife Gingerbread have shown incredible resilience over the past month, and Fife has proved to be the caring community we always knew it to be.

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“Let’s all extend that to lone parents, and everyone who has no alternative childcare options when it comes to buying essentials.

“More than ever, we need to show support to our communities, and especially our vulnerable neighbours.

“Smiles and waves are still allowed under social distancing- let’s shop with care, and shop with kindness.”

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