Warning to help prevent seagull attacks

Kirkcaldy town centre Cllrs Judy Hamilton and Alistair Cameron give their support to the Safer Communities Team - Lisa Taylor, Bev Taylor and Fiona McKenzieKirkcaldy town centre Cllrs Judy Hamilton and Alistair Cameron give their support to the Safer Communities Team - Lisa Taylor, Bev Taylor and Fiona McKenzie
Kirkcaldy town centre Cllrs Judy Hamilton and Alistair Cameron give their support to the Safer Communities Team - Lisa Taylor, Bev Taylor and Fiona McKenzie
A warning has been issued to help prevent seagull attacks and divebombing as summer approaches.

Fife Council’s Safer Communities Team is keen to remind people how best to reduce the nuisance caused by seagulls in Kirkcaldy town centre.

It is thought that removing any potential food sources from our streets could be the answer to stopping the winged menace from attacking passers-by.

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This year the council will be using CCTV to help prevent littering and issue fixed penalty notices where appropriate, as well as increasing the ‘Don’t Feed Seagulls’ signs to make people more aware of the problem.

Safer Community Officers will increase patrols in areas most affected with seagulls and will have a zero tolerance approach to dropping litter.

Lisa Taylor, Lead Officer for Safer Communities explained: “Gulls are starting to nest – and young gulls start to fly from July.

“They can be noisy and create mess as well as causing damage to property. They’re also known to attack people and pets.

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“We want to do all that we can to discourage the birds from the town centre – and hope residents, visitors and businesses support us on this. Everyone can play their part and make a massive difference by not sharing leftover food with the seagulls and getting rid of their scraps in a bin.

“It’s a simple solution that can really improve the problem.”

Cllr Alistair Cameron said: “I’m delighted to support this campaign again which we started last year, particularly in our High Street.

“It is so important that people are aware the big difference they can make simply by not feeding the seagulls or leaving scraps of food around for them to pick up.

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“I genuinely believe that last year’s campaign was a success and the message was well received by the public.

“There is also a big part to be played by all food outlets in the town to ensure that not only do they display the notices for their customers, but also make sure that all waste bins around their premises are kept seagull protected.

“The simple message is ‘Don’t feed the Seagulls’.