Vandals target Glenrothes town park for third time

One of the damaged bird feedersOne of the damaged bird feeders
One of the damaged bird feeders
Vandals have targeted the improvements made my volunteers at a Glenrothes park for a third time '“ ripping up plants and smashing bird feeders.

Members of the Friends of Riverside Park group have seen their efforts once again trashed by mindless individuals who have wrecked a specially created garden, as well as other enhancements recently introduced to the popular town park area in a bid to encourage birds and other forms of wildlife.

It’s the third time the park has been the focus of such a senseless act of destruction in the last 12 months, which has left volunteers angry and frustrated.

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“The wildlife garden and feeders had proved very popular with families and walkers using the park so it’s particularly sad that the senseless vandalism caused by these individuals has spoilt the enjoyment of so many others,” volunteer David Cooper said.

“The bird and squirrel feeders have proved particularly popular with many people coming to the park especially to put down food the squirrels.”

However, while there is understandable disappointment among the ‘Friends’ group they have vowed not to be deterred by the latest setback.

They have already started clearing the damaged area replacing the plants and shrubs that were destroyed.

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“We are determined not to be put off by the vandals, we will be carrying on as normal with our programme of planting and enhancing what is already a very lovely and popular park area,” explained David.

“There has been a great deal of moral support and encouragement from the public for what we do which is very heartening.

“So we would ask all park users to be aware of anyone acting suspiciously and report it either to us or the police,” he added.

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