East Fife concentrate on themselves ahead of Falkirk visit

Stevie Crawford's East Fife are planning to add to Falkirk's woes this weekend. Picture by Kenny MackayStevie Crawford's East Fife are planning to add to Falkirk's woes this weekend. Picture by Kenny Mackay
Stevie Crawford's East Fife are planning to add to Falkirk's woes this weekend. Picture by Kenny Mackay
New manager Stevie Crawford says East Fife will be concentrating only on themselves this week as they prepare to host Falkirk at Bayview.

The Bairns are enduring a torrid 2021/22 season, with the pre-season title favourites languishing some way adrift of that particular race.

But changes have been made recently, manager Paul Sheerin leaving the club ahead of last weekend’s fixture at home to Cove, being replaced by Martin Rennie.

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Rennie will have a full week to work with his new squad ahead of their trip to Bayview and many will expect a swift reaction to their current slump.

But Crawford’s bottom-of-the-table Fifers have battles of their own and will be equally as keen for all three points as they aim to claw back a five-point deficit on those above them.

“I know results haven’t been great for them in recent weeks, but what I’ll be doing is very much focusing on what we’ll do at the weekend,” said the boss, whose side drew 1-1 at Peterhead on Saturday.

“I have to make sure that the boys continue to show the same attitude that they have since I came in.

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"Looking back at the Peterhead game, you can only control what’s in front of you, and they changed their formation during the game, moving from a back three to a back four and were throwing everything at us.

"Apart from the goal, our boys defended very well on the day so we can’t try to think this, that and the next thing about what Falkirk are going to try and do at the weekend with a new manager in place.

"We just have to really concentrate on ourselves and face the challenge on the day.”

Crawford’s side took the lead at the weekend thanks to Kyle Connell’s excellent strike a couple of minutes after the interval.

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The manager, who has now guided the Fifers to back-to-back draws, was content to return to Bayview with a point but also delighted with some of the qualities his side showed on the day.

"Did we deserve to win the game? If I’m being honest, a draw was probably a fair result,” added Crawford.

"I was really pleased with our goal and that was something we highlighted, to play forward passes.

"It comes from a block in our box, Liam Watt slides it to Kevin Smith and Kevin’s pass in behind for Kyle Connell was brilliant.”